Luxury handbags are not only accessories but also investments. This is an example of the fact that it is one of the factors the designer handbags have investment value. Handbags by famous designers are luxury items that people buy to express status and fashion. Although each designer handbag is unique in the way it is sold as new, its resell value can be different. Here, we discuss the top three designer handbag brands with the highest resell value.
Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton was founded in 1854. It is a French fashion house that is super famous for its luxury items, especially the specific monogram canvas bags with the signature. The resale market is also popular for Louis Vuitton bags, with many models being renowned for their 80-120% of the original selling value.
The value of limited edition pieces is appreciated even more than common pieces. The brand's timeless style, excellent craftsmanship, and sizable global fan base of fashion fans are all responsible for these exceptional sales.
Coco Chanel, who created Chanel in 1909, was a French fashion designer and businesswoman. This brand is famous for its classical and luxurious style. The brand`s flap bags and boy bags are the most valued resale market items. Chanel handbags commonly retain 70-120% of their initial value, some being even more, some reaching even 200%.
One of the reasons behind the Chanel handbags' quick resale value is their exclusivity. Chanel puts a limit on the production of its handbags, causing them to be a rare find among collectors. Chanel's emphasis on limited production and their signature pieces is partially container of the resale price. Thus, it is a fine choice for the fashion-forward investors.
A French luxury epitome, Hermès, was founded in 1837. It is one of the first to have created the handbag signatures, Birkin and Kelly. There is a class of the Hermes handbags indeed that are among the most elite and desirable luxury accessories. As for the resale market, the popularity of Hermès handbags remains unaffected. Items are even sold for 80-120% of their retail price. Values of very rare and highly sought artworks can grow as much as 14% in a year.
Hermès' exclusive production, excellent craftsmanship, and perpetual designs have been a decisive factor for the exceptional resale value. Thus, being considered as an asset by collectors and investors. Hermès handbags can really be considered "investment bags" because of their ability to increase in value over time.
Final Verdicts
Investing in a designer handbag is a wise financial decision rather than just a frivolous buy. Choosing a handbag from a luxury brand like Chanel, Hermès, or Louis Vuitton allows you to feel confident in the investment you are making while also appreciating the exquisite design and craftsmanship of the luxury accessory.